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2181 Ross Road Northwest
Malta, OH, 43758
United States


Coffee Roastery

About Us


Our Story

  Welcome to RK Roasters, LLC! Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy a coffee break (Repo Kafe) while we introduce ourselves. I (Javon) started roasting coffee shortly after graduating high school and immediately fell in love with this art. The hobby soon morphed into a small business as I began roasting for friends and family who were interested. After marrying Genny, we worked as a team and expanded the business significantly. Purchasing our first commercial coffee roaster was an exciting leap and now, several years later, RK Roasters operates as a commercially-licensed food facility. We are so grateful to all of our customers who made it possible for us to be here and our aim is to provide you with the best coffee we can! Thanks for visiting.

Our Purpose

        Our team at RK Roasters, LLC is passionate about providing premium freshly roasted coffee to our customers. There are several ways we aim to accomplish this. First, as a small batch roastery, we pay careful attention to detail to provide the quality and consistency that you enjoy. Second, while offering a wide variety of single origins and blends, we are especially passionate about our organic and SWP decaf coffees that make amazing coffee while also giving special attention to the health of the consumer. Finally, as a small town, family-operated roastery we love interacting with you, hearing your feedback, and using it to improve our coffee. We hope to send some your way soon!