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2181 Ross Road Northwest
Malta, OH, 43758
United States


Coffee Roastery


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RK Organic Half-Caff

RK Organic Half-Caff.jpg
RK Organic Half-Caff.jpg

RK Organic Half-Caff

from $14.99

This blend is a delightful combination of our Swiss Water Process organic coffee and a few caffeinated organic coffees. If you are looking for a little less caffeine but still want a kick then this is the coffee for you!

Swiss Water Process (SWP)

Swiss Water® Process uses the elements of water, temperature, and time to create some of the most intriguing decaf coffee. First, the process is started with small batches of amazing coffee and green coffee extract. Then, local water and a dash of loving attention is added by monitoring time and temperature until the coffee is 99.9% caffeine free.

Organically Produced

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Additional Info

  • Each bag contains the stated weight in roasted beans (not green coffee weight). You are receiving a full 1lb. or 5lb. bag of coffee.

  • Appearance of beans may vary from product image.